The Practice:Teaching - Warm Ups 1

The Siva Yoga Series Sequence

Integration Series - Be Here

Sun Salutations - Waking Up

Warrior Series - Vitalize

Triangle Series - Strength and Ground Down

Balance Series - Be Still

Abdominal Series - Core Strength

Hip Series - Open Up

Back Bending Series - Energize

Forward Bending Series - Let It Go

Inversion Series - Rejuvenate

Surrender To Gravity Series - Wakeful Rest

The Siva Yoga Asana Sequence

Integration Series

This is where you step out of the world and into yourself, where you come out of your head and into your body. Here you activate the ujjayi breathing.

Sun Salutations - Warm Up

This is where you initiate full body warm up exercises that bring your focus further inside and ignite the healing heat inside, the tapas.

Warrior Series

It is time now to bring the heart rate up, stoke the internal fires, and get the energy flowing more vigorously.

Triangle Series

Strengthening from the waist down enables you to create deep, penetrating roots from which you can open your body straight up to the sun.

Balance Series

Balancing poses command our presence. We are all born with a natural balance. All you have to do is quiet the mind, focus and relax. Use your drsthi.

Abdominal Series

You are only as strong as your core.

Hip Series

The hips are the emotional storage depot for the body.

Back Bending Series

When people age they tend to contract and pull themselves in. Yoga can actually reverse the aging process. You are only as young as your spine is supple. Back-bends remove blocks of energy stored in the spine.

Forward Fold Series

Forward bends cool the body, slow the pulse and un-clutter the brain.

Inversion Series

Inversions are a very important part of a yoga practice. They flush the organs of the head and upper body with fresh, oxygenated blood. They activate and electrify the glands that govern the immune system creating vitality and vigor. They drain the fluid from the legs and hips to create suppleness in the lower body. Reversing the flow of gravity moves lymph, the body’s “sewage”, through your system so metabolic waste can be released. It activates the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which boost and balance your metabolism.

Surrender To Gravity Series

You have made it! Now it’s time to let go and let the universe meet you halfway.

This information has been adapted from Journey Into Power by Baron Baptiste. The sequence order is unique to Siva Yoga.

Integration: Cultivating A Shift to the Present Moment

This is where you step out of the world and into yourself, where you come out of your head and into your body. Here you activate deep smooth yoga nose breathing.

Sun Salutations: Full Body Wake Up

This is where you initiate full body warm up exercises that bring your focus further inside and ignite the healing heat inside the body. This is preparing your mind-body for the rest of the class.


Read out loud the teaching script. You may read it and watch the video of me doing the Integration and Sun Salutation sequences or you may try this with your family and friends at home. Do not worry that you may not know what any of the names you are saying are. We will share them all with you. This is for the purpose of speaking out loud and finding a rhythm. We are focusing on these two.

Teaching Integration - Script

Childs Pose

Come into Childs Pose

Let go of your day and be here now

Begin breathing in and out through the nose.

Take even smooth breaths.

Come up into table top position on your hands and knees

Curl your toes under and lift your hips up



Downward Facing Dog

Push your hands down and forward into the mat

Hips up hands strong

Take five deep breaths ( just count 3…4…5…)

Look to your hands and walk your feet to your hands

Inhale up halfway

Exhale forward fold into RAGDOLL



Grab opposite elbows with your hands

Hinge at the hips bring your chest to your thighs

Relax your head and neck

Take 5 deep breaths (just count 3…4…5...)

Inhale Sweep your arms up to standing position

Exhale hands to the side Mountain Pose

GOAL: You are taking time to allow you and your class to slowly let go of your day, worries, anxiety, and just start feeling your breath and body. Connect with the breath. Connect to your mat on the floor. Feel your breath. Feel your body.


Teaching Sun Salutation - Script

Hands to the side Mountain Pose (standing position)

Inhale sweep the arms up

Exhale forward fold

Inhale up halfway

Step back plank pose (top of push up)

Exhale lower down (bottom push up)

Inhale Upward Facing Dog

Exhale Downward Facing Dog – hold for 5 breaths

Count the breaths from 3…4…5

Look to your hands and walk your feet to your hands

Inhale up halfway

Exhale forward fold

Inhale sweep the arms up

Exhale hands to the side Mountain Pose (standing position)


GOAL: You are creating a rhythm. This rhythm should allow you and the students to flow from inhale to exhale and from pose to pose. This is not a time to teach or say too much but direct the movements and let go into the rhythm of the practice. The body will experience heat and the heart rate will increase.


Siva Yoga School, Siva, LLC ©2019


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